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Interested in participating in a research project?

We need your help to create guidelines that are meaningful and applicable to clinicians in the intensive care unit

We have closed for registrations

This research study aims to identify essential guideline recommendations. 


The surveys used in this study are built on the advice from our advisory group members and an evaluation of the existing literature. The study will start mid-January 2022.


 In this study, Danish and Australian participants will complete 3 surveys over approximately 5 months. 

Who can participate?

We are searching for individuals who have experience with agitation in the intensive care unit. This includes health professionals and researchers with clinical experience and expertise, as well as patients and their family members who have personal insight through experiencing agitation in the intensive care unit.   Want to know more about agitation in ICU, click here.

What does it mean to participate in this study?

To stay informed about the progress of this research, please check our news updates and publications

What is required and what to expect

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Requirements for all

  • Adult = 18 years and up

  • You live in either Denmark or Australia.

  • You have internet connection and an email address.


Patients and family members

  • Experienced being agitated in the ICU as a patient, or

  • Experienced being a family member/next of kin to a patient who was agitated in the ICU.


ICU clinicians (e.g., nurses, physicians, managers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers):

  • recent experience managing patient agitation in the adult ICU; and either

  • a minimum of three years experience working in an adult ICU; or

  • a postgraduate qualification in intensive care; or

  • holding a managerial position in an ICU.



  • published on agitation or related topics, including sedation, delirium, physical restraints, or comfort within the last six years.   



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What is expected of you:

  • You are asked to complete 3 online surveys over 5 months.

  • Each survey will take between 20-50 minutes to complete.

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What will I get from participating?

  • This is your opportunity to contribute to improving the care provided to patients in the intensive care unit.

  • Patients and family members/next of kin will receive a $50 online voucher shortly after completing the last survey round.

  • All clinicians, managers and researchers get a chance to win a $50 online voucher. A total of 6 vouchers are drawn.

  • Clinicians, managers and researchers are offered a professional development certificate.

  • We will keep you updated on the progress of our study.


Where will the study take place?

  • Online, at a time that suits you and in the comfort of your own home or workplace

If you want more information, please read the participant information sheets below

Colorful Graffiti


To register your interest in our Delphi study please take your time to fill out the information below. This form will be used to screen your eligibility.  

Recruitment has closed!
Thanks to all of you who have signed up to participate in this study. 

Register your interest here


This study will be carried out according to the Australian National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research, to protect the interests of people who agree to participate.
The study has been approved by the Central Adelaide Local Health Network Human Research Ethics Committee (ref. 15710), and has received cross-institutional approval from Flinders University. If you wish to speak to someone not directly involved in the study about your rights as a volunteer, or about the conduct of the study, you may also contact the CALHN HREC Chair, on +61 7117 2229 or +61 8222 6841.
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